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Undisclosed Desires is the first novel that M. Peters has published, but she's working on its sequel now, as well as a short story starring three of the main characters. Check back here to learn more about those books when they are finished and published!

Keith D'Ameron has wandered the world as a vampire for three hundred years, traveling through Europe and the East in search of something for which he has no name. Up until now, he has simply enjoyed what his world of the night can bring to him, but now he has come to Spain. Upon entering Seville, a heartbeat rises above the
rest of the thrumming pulses occupying the busy city, and something in its siren call urges Keith to investigate.
  The owner of this heartbeat, the vampire finds, is a beautiful young man named Javier Estas, and upon first sight - whether it is only for a night or for something more - Keith knows he must make the young man his own.
  Within the hour, Keith finds himself at sword-point in a tree-lined square, where he must make a decision between keeping his secrets intact or allowing himself to open up to another
human being for the first time in three centuries.
  At first, Javier is hesitant, but Keith is not the only one lured on by something he cannot comprehend, and he finds himself captivated by the glimpses of Keith's world he sees every time he falls into the vampire's eyes. At last, he finds that he cannot continue to deny his undisclosed desire for Keith - and that he doesn't want to keep trying.

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